How to charge DSLR battery without charger? DSLR batteries usually come with a charger, but what if you’re on vacation or traveling and don’t have your charger with you?
If you’re like most people, you probably don’t want to miss a single photo opportunity while on vacation. But what do you do if your DSLR battery dies and you don’t have your charger with you?
You can charge your DSLR battery without a charger! All you need is a USB port and this helpful guide. With just a few minutes reading this artical by Edon Lazaj, you will be able to charge DSLR battery without charger.

How to charge DSLR battery without charger?

If you’re away from home and your camera battery dies, you may be wondering how to charge it without a charger. While most digital cameras come with a charging unit, it’s not always convenient to lug around or keep track of. Fortunately, there are a few ways you can charge your camera battery without a charger.
One way is to use a USB cable. If your camera has a USB port, you can connect it to your computer or laptop and the battery will begin charging. This is the easiest and most straightforward method, but it will take longer to charge the battery this way.
Another way to charge your camera battery without a charger is to use an AC adapter. These can be purchased relatively cheaply online or at electronics stores. Simply connect the adapter to your camera and plug it into an outlet – your battery will begin charging immediately.
If you’re in a pinch, you can also charge your camera battery with AA batteries. This method is not recommended as it can damage your camera, but it will work in a pinch. Simply remove the battery from your camera and insert four AA batteries in its place. Then, turn on your camera and let it run until the batteries die.
Of course, the best way to avoid this situation is to keep your charger with you at all times. But if you find yourself without one, these methods will do the trick.
How Long Does It Take To Charge A Camera Battery?

It depends on the method you’re using to charge the battery. If you’re using a USB cable, it will take longer than if you’re using an AC adapter. On average, it takes about four hours to fully charge a camera battery with a USB cable. With an AC adapter, it should only take about two hours.
Of course, these are just averages – your mileage may vary depending on the make and model of your camera and the type of batteries you’re using. In general, though, it’s best to err on the side of caution and give yourself plenty of time to charge the battery before heading out for the day.
How to charge a Camcorder, Canon battery without a charger?

Can I charge my Canon camera battery without a charger? The answer is yes. Try these following methods.
Charging with Mobile charger
- First, find a mobile phone charger that has the same voltage as your camera battery.
- Secondly, take the micro USB cable and connect it to your charger.
- After that, connect the other end of the cable to your camera.
- Now, simply plug in the charger into a socket and wait for the LED light on the camera to turn green which means that it is charging.
- Once the LED turns green, you can disconnect the charger and use your camera.
Charging with USB cable
If you have a USB cable that came with your camera or you can use any other USB cable, then follow these steps.
First of all, take the USB cable and connect one end to your computer or laptop. After that, connect the other end of the USB cable to your camera. Once the connection is made, you will see a notification on your camera LCD screen that says “Charging”. Now, all you need to do is wait for the battery to charge and once it is done, you can disconnect the USB cable and use your camera.
Note: If your computer does not have a USB port, then you can use a USB hub.
Charging while using another battery to charge
In this method, you will need another battery that is compatible with your camera.
First, take the charger of your camera and connect it to the power outlet. After that, connect one end of the USB cable to the charger and the other end to your camera. Now, simply put the other battery in your camera and turn it on. Your camera will start using the power from the other battery to charge itself. Once the charging is done, you can remove the other battery and use your camera as usual.
Charging with the car battery
This method is only for emergencies as it can damage your car battery if not done properly.
First of all, find a 12V power outlet in your car and connect the charger of your camera to it. After that, connect one end of the USB cable to the charger and the other end to your camera. Now, simply turn on your camera and wait for the battery to charge. Once it is done, you can disconnect everything and use your camera.
Note: If you don’t have a 12V power outlet in your car, then you can use a Cigarette lighter adapter.
Charging while Using DC source and resistor
In this method, you will need a DC power source and a resistor.
First, connect the positive terminal of the DC power source to the positive terminal of your camera battery. After that, connect the other end of the resistor to the negative terminal of the DC power source. Now, simply wait for the battery to charge and once it is done, you can disconnect everything and use your camera.
Note: This method is only for emergencies as it can damage your camera if not done properly.
Charging with Power Bank
A power bank is a portable battery that can be used to charge your camera.
First, find a power bank that has the same voltage as your camera battery. Secondly, take the micro USB cable and connect it to the power bank. After that, connect the other end of the cable to your camera. Now, simply turn on the power bank and wait for the LED light on the camera to turn green which means that it is charging. Once the LED turns green, you can disconnect the power bank and use your camera.
Charging with Friction
This is the simplest way to charge your camera battery without a charger.
First, take your camera battery and rub it against your hair for a few minutes. After that, take a piece of cloth and wipe the battery until it is dry. Now, simply put the battery in your camera and turn it on. Your camera will start using the power from the friction to charge itself. Once the charging is done, you can use your camera as usual.
New camera battery or charger
If you don’t have a charger and your camera is not charging with any of the above methods, then you need to buy a new camera battery or charger. You can find compatible chargers and batteries for your camera online or at your local electronics store.
Next, we will show you top tips to care for your canon camera batteries.
8 tips to care for your Canon camera batteries

Here are a few tips that you can follow to extend the life of your Canon camera batteries:
- Don’t store your camera batteries in a hot or cold environment.
- Try to use your camera regularly to prevent the battery from discharging completely.
- When not in use, store your camera batteries in a cool and dry place.
- Avoid letting your camera batteries discharge completely before charging them again.
- Do not expose your camera batteries to water or other liquids.
- Do not attempt to open or modify your camera batteries.
- Do not dispose of your camera batteries in fire.
- If you are not using your camera for an extended period of time, remove the battery and store it in a cool and dry place.
F.A.Q how to charge DSLR battery without charger
Can you charge DSLR via USB?
Yes, you can charge your DSLR camera battery via USB. Just follow the process we have mentioned above.
How can I power my DSLR without battery?
There are several ways to power your DSLR without a battery. You can use a power bank, DC power source, or friction.
How can I charge my Nikon camera battery without a charger?
You can use a power bank, DC power source, or friction to charge your Nikon camera battery without a charger.
How can I charge my Canon 5d battery without a charger?
If you have don’t have a charger, you can use a power bank, DC power source, or friction to charge your Canon 5D camera battery.
While we hope you never find yourself in a situation where you need to charge your DSLR battery without the charger, it’s always good to know how to do it just in case. By following the simple steps outlined in this post, you can rest assured that you have the power to get your camera up and running again – even if there is no outlet or charger available. Have you ever had to charge your DSLR battery without the charger? How did you go about it? Leave us a comment and let us know.