How do smartwatches measure blood oxygen? Limitations of smartwatch SPO2 sensors

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How do smartwatches measure blood oxygen? Smartwatches are becoming more and more popular, but there is still a lot of confusion about what they can do.

A lot of people think that smartwatches are just glorified fitness trackers, but they can actually do a lot more than that.

One thing that many people don’t know about smartwatches is that they can measure blood oxygen levels. This is a really important feature for people who want to track their health and fitness because it allows them to see how well their body is performing even when they’re not working out. This artical by Edon Lazaj will answer some of the most common questions about this feature.

How do smartwatches measure blood oxygen? Limitations of smartwatch SPO2 sensors
How do smartwatches measure blood oxygen? Limitations of smartwatch SPO2 sensors

How do smartwatches measure blood oxygen?

How do smartwatches measure blood oxygen
How do smartwatches measure blood oxygen

Smart watches use SPO2 sensors to measure blood oxygen. These sensors use a red LED and an infrared LED to shine light on the skin. The amount of light that is reflected back to the sensor is proportional to the oxygen saturation of the blood. Smart watches are less affected by low perfusion than pulse oximeters.

Smart watches can also measure heart rate and skin temperature. These measurements are used to calculate the body’s heat index, which is a measure of how much heat the body is producing. The body’s heat index is affected by many factors, including exercise, humidity, and clothing.

Smart watches use algorithms to estimate blood oxygen levels. These algorithms take into account the person’s age, sex, heart rate, and skin temperature. The accuracy of these estimates varies from person to person.

While smart watches are not as accurate as pulse oximeters, they are more convenient to use and can be worn all day. Smart watches provide a useful way to monitor blood oxygen levels for people with chronic lung diseases such as COPD and asthma.

Details of the way SPO2 sensors work

Details of the way SPO2 sensors work
Details of the way SPO2 sensors work

A pulse oximeter is a device that indirectly measures the oxygen saturation of a patient’s blood (SpO2). A pulse oximeter does this by shining two different wavelengths of light through the tissue and calculates how much light is absorbed. The amount of absorption is proportional to the amount of oxygen in the blood.

There are two main types of pulse oximeters: those that measure arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) and those that measure venous oxygen saturation (SvO2). Arterial oximeters are more accurate but require a special probe that must be placed on the finger, toe, or earlobe. Venous oximeters are less accurate but can be used with a standard clip that goes on the finger, toe, or earlobe.

Pulse oximeters are used to measure blood oxygen levels in a variety of settings, including doctor’s offices, hospitals, ambulances, and at home. They are useful for people with chronic lung diseases such as COPD and asthma, who need to monitor their blood oxygen levels. Pulse oximeters can also be used to check for hypoxemia (low blood oxygen) in infants and young children.

Limitations of smartwatch SPO2 sensors

Limitations of smartwatch SPO2 sensors
Limitations of smartwatch SPO2 sensors

While pulse oximeters are accurate devices, they do have some limits. First, they only measure the oxygen saturation of the blood, not the actual amount of oxygen in the blood. Second, pulse oximeters can be affected by low perfusion, which is when there is not enough blood flow to the sensor. This can happen if the person is shaking or if their finger is cold. Low perfusion can also occur in people with dark skin tones. Finally, pulse oximeters can be affected by certain medications, such as beta blockers and methemoglobin-inducing drugs.

Wearable SPO2 sensors use similar technology to pulse oximeters but are designed to be worn on the wrist. These sensors use a red LED and an infrared LED to shine light through the skin and measure the absorption of light. The amount of absorption is proportional to the amount of oxygen in the blood.

Comparison between Reflectance Oximetry and Transmittance Oximetry

Comparison between Reflectance Oximetry and Transmittance Oximetry
Comparison between Reflectance Oximetry and Transmittance Oximetry

There are two main types of SPO2 sensors: reflectance oximeters and transmittance oximeters. Reflectance oximeters measure the amount of light that is reflected off of the skin, while transmittance oximeters measure the amount of light that is transmitted through the skin.

Reflectance oximetry is the more common type of SPO2 sensor. These sensors use a red LED and an infrared LED to shine light on the skin. The amount of light that is reflected back to the sensor is proportional to the oxygen saturation of the blood. Reflectance oximeters are less affected by low perfusion than transmittance oximeters.

Transmittance oximetry is less common but can be more accurate than reflectance oximetry. These sensors use a red LED and an infrared LED to shine light through the skin. The amount of light that is transmitted through the skin is proportional to the oxygen saturation of the blood. Transmittance oximeters are more affected by low perfusion than reflectance oximeters.

The main difference between pulse oximeters and SPO2 sensors is that pulse oximeters measure the oxygen saturation of the blood, while SPO2 sensors measure the actual amount of oxygen in the blood. SPO2 sensors are less affected by low perfusion than pulse oximeters.

Next, we will have a look at the breakthrough of blood oxygen monitoring.

The breakthrough of blood oxygen monitoring

The breakthrough of blood oxygen monitoring
The breakthrough of blood oxygen monitoring

To understand whether measuring blood oxygen levels from your smartwatch is useful or not, we must understand the concept of blood oxygen saturation.

Blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) is a measure of how much oxygen your red blood cells are carrying. It is expressed as a percentage of the maximum amount of oxygen that your blood can carry. For example, if your SpO2 is 95%, it means that your blood is carrying 95% of the maximum amount of oxygen that it can carry.

The normal range for SpO2 is 95-100%. A low SpO2 level indicates that your body is not getting enough oxygen. This can be dangerous and should be treated immediately.

A high SpO2 level indicates that your body is getting too much oxygen. This can also be dangerous and should be treated immediately.

Measuring your blood oxygen levels is important because it can help to detect and treat a variety of conditions, such as sleep apnea, COPD, and asthma.

Smartwatches are able to measure your blood oxygen levels using a technology called photoplethysmography (PPG). PPG is a method of measuring changes in blood volume.

Smartwatches use an LED to shine light into your skin. The light is absorbed by your blood cells and scattered throughout your body. The smartwatch measures the amount of light that is scattered back to it.

The amount of light that is scattered back to the smartwatch is proportional to the amount of oxygen in your blood. This information is then used to calculate your blood oxygen levels.

Smartwatches are able to measure your blood oxygen levels continuously, meaning that you can see how your levels change throughout the day. This is important because your blood oxygen levels can fluctuate depending on your activities and environment.

There are a few things to keep in mind when using a smartwatch to measure your blood oxygen levels. First, it is important to make sure that the watch is snug but not too tight. Second, it is important to avoid moving your arm too much while the measurement is being taken. Third, it is important to take the measurement at the same time each day to ensure accuracy.

Overall, measuring blood oxygen levels with a smartwatch is a useful way to track your health. If you are concerned about your blood oxygen levels, it is important to talk to your doctor.

Are these sensors in smartwatches useful?

Are these sensors in smartwatches useful
Are these sensors in smartwatches useful

While the technology is still relatively new, blood oxygen monitoring has shown to be a useful tool in detecting and treating various conditions.

One study showed that blood oxygen monitoring was able to detect sleep apnea with 97% accuracy. Another study showed that blood oxygen monitoring was able to detect COPD with 89% accuracy.

There are also a number of case studies where blood oxygen monitoring from a smartwatch was able to save someone’s life.

In one case, a man was alerted by his smartwatch that his blood oxygen levels had dropped to 92%. He went to the hospital and was diagnosed with pneumonia. He was treated and recovered quickly.

In another case, a woman was alerted by her smartwatch that her blood oxygen levels had dropped to 86%. She went to the hospital and was diagnosed with a blood clot in her lung. She was treated and recovered quickly.

Overall, blood oxygen monitoring is a useful tool that can help to detect and treat various conditions. If you are concerned about your health, it is important to talk to your doctor.

F.A.Q how do smartwatches measure blood oxygen

How does a smart watch measure blood oxygen?

Smart watches use a technology called photoplethysmography (PPG) to measure blood oxygen levels. PPG is a method of measuring changes in blood volume. Smart watches use an LED to shine light into your skin. The light is absorbed by your blood cells and scattered throughout your body. The smart watch measures the amount of light that is scattered back to it. The amount of light that is scattered back to the smart watch is proportional to the amount of oxygen in your blood. This information is then used to calculate your blood oxygen levels.

Can a smart watch accurately measure blood oxygen?

Yes, smart watches are able to accurately measure blood oxygen levels. However, it is important to note that there are a few things that can affect the accuracy of the measurement. First, it is important to make sure that the watch is snug but not too tight. Second, it is important to avoid moving your arm too much while the measurement is being taken. Third, it is important to take the measurement at the same time each day to ensure accuracy.

How accurate are watch oxygen levels?

Smart watches are able to measure blood oxygen levels with a high degree of accuracy. One study showed that blood oxygen monitoring was able to detect sleep apnea with 97% accuracy. Another study showed that blood oxygen monitoring was able to detect COPD with 89% accuracy.

What is low oxygen level for Covid?

A blood oxygen level below 95% is considered low.


Smartwatch technology is constantly evolving, and new features are being added all the time. We’re excited to see where this technology goes in the future, and we hope you are too. Leave us a comment below and let us know what you think about smartwatches – do you own one? Would you consider getting one? Do you have any questions about how they work? We would love to hear from you!

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