Can routers overheat? 5 ways to prevent your router from overheating

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Can routers overheat? Routers are an important part of any network, but they can also be a source of frustration. One common problem is that routers can overheat, which can lead to decreased performance and even damage.

It’s not always easy to know when your router is starting to overheat. If it’s not properly cooled, it can quickly become damaged. This can cause all sorts of problems with your network, including decreased speed and even a complete shutdown.

By using a router cooling system you can keep your router running cooler and prevent it from overheating. Read this artical by Edon Lazaj to know how to prevent it.

Can routers overheat? 5 ways to prevent your router from overheating
Can routers overheat? 5 ways to prevent your router from overheating

A router overheats – what does it means

A router overheats - what does it means
A router overheats – what does it means

Routers are one of the most important pieces of equipment in a home or office network. They provide the connectivity between computers and other devices on the network, and they also act as firewalls, protecting the network from attacks. However, routers can also be one of the most vulnerable pieces of equipment on a network. If they overheat, they can stop working properly, or even catch fire.

What can cause your router to overheat?

What can cause your router to overheat
What can cause your router to overheat

There are basically two major reasons a router might overheat. The router is either creating more heat than it typically does, or it isn’t cooling as rapidly as it should.

The first reason is typically due to the router being placed in an enclosed space. When routers produce heat, that heat has nowhere to go but up. If the router is in an enclosed space, the heat will eventually cause the temperature inside the enclosure to rise, causing the router to overheat. This is why it’s important to make sure your router has plenty of ventilation.

The second reason a router might overheat is more insidious. It’s basically a design flaw that can cause some routers to overheat even when they’re not in an enclosed space. The flaw has to do with the way heat sinks are designed and positioned on some routers. A heat sink is a piece of metal that helps dissipate heat away from sensitive components. If the heat sink is not properly positioned, it can’t do its job, and the router will overheat.

How to know that your router is overheating?

How to know that your router is overheating
How to know that your router is overheating

There are some telltale signs that your router might be overheating. The most obvious is that the router feels hot to the touch. If you can’t comfortably keep your hand on the router for more than a few seconds, it’s probably too hot.

Another sign that your router is overheating is if it starts acting erratically. If your router starts dropping connections or slowing down, it could be a sign that it’s overworking itself to stay cool.

So, if your router gets hot, what will happen? Please continue reading to know!

What Happens If Your Router Gets Too Hot?

What Happens If Your Router Gets Too Hot
What Happens If Your Router Gets Too Hot

Slower Internet Speed

Slower Internet Speed
Slower Internet Speed

If your router is just starting to overheat, you might not notice any major problems. However, as the temperature inside the router gets hotter, it will start to slow down. The heat will cause the components inside the router to expand and contract, which can cause them to break down over time.

Connection Drops

Connection Drops
Connection Drops

As the temperature inside the router gets hotter, the connections between the components can start to degrade. This can cause your router to drop connections or even reboot itself.

Complete Failure

Complete Failure
Complete Failure

In extreme cases, routers can catch fire if they overheat. This is usually due to a build-up of dust or other debris inside the router that catches fire when the temperature gets too high.

Ways to prevent a router from overheating

Ways to prevent a router from overheating
Ways to prevent a router from overheating

Place Your Router In A Well-Ventilated Area

Place Your Router In A Well-Ventilated Area
Place Your Router In A Well-Ventilated Area

This is the most obvious way to prevent your router from overheating. If you can, try to place the router in a well-ventilated area. This will allow the heat to dissipate more quickly, and it will help keep the router cooler overall.

Consider A Router Cooling Case

Consider A Router Cooling Case
Consider A Router Cooling Case

If you’re really worried about your router overheating, you can buy a cooling case. These cases are designed to dissipate heat away from the router, and they can really help keep your router cool.

Upgrade Your Firmware

Upgrade Your Firmware
Upgrade Your Firmware

If you have an older router, there’s a chance that its firmware is out of date. Newer versions of firmware often include improvements to help prevent overheating. So, if you’re having problems with your router overheating, it might be time to upgrade the firmware.

Use A Router Fan

Use A Router Fan
Use A Router Fan

Another way to keep your router cool is to use a router fan. These fans attach to the router and help blow air over the heat sinks. This can really help improve airflow and prevent overheating.

Monitor Your Router’s Temperature

Monitor Your Router’s Temperature
Monitor Your Router’s Temperature

If you’re really worried about your router overheating, you can buy a temperature monitor. These monitors attach to the router and give you real-time information about the temperature inside the case. This can help you catch problems early, before they cause any damage.

Is There A Risk Of Fire From A Router?

Yes, there is a risk of fire from a router. This is usually due to a build-up of dust or other debris inside the router that catches fire when the temperature gets too high.

What Temperature Range Is Acceptable For A Wi-Fi Router?

The ideal temperature range for a Wi-Fi router is between 32 and 122 degrees Fahrenheit. However, some routers can operate outside of this range. For example, some routers are designed to operate in temperatures as low as -4 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is It All Right To Keep Your Router Turned On At All Times?

Yes, it is all right to keep your router turned on at all times. In fact, it’s best to leave your router on all the time so that it can receive firmware updates and stay up-to-date.

F.A.Q can routers overheat

How do you know if your router is overheating?

One way to tell if your router is overheating is to touch it. If the router is too hot to touch for more than a few seconds, it’s probably too hot. Another sign that your router is overheating is if it starts acting erratically. If your router starts dropping connections or slowing down, it could be a sign that it’s overworking itself to stay cool.

Is it normal for a wifi router to get hot?

Yes, it is normal for a wifi router to get hot. This is because the router is converting electricity into heat, and the heat has to go somewhere. Most routers have built-in cooling mechanisms, such as fans, to help dissipate the heat. However, in some cases, the router can get too hot and start to cause problems.

How do I stop my router from overheating?

There are several things you can do to prevent your router from overheating. One is to place the router in a well-ventilated area. Another is to upgrade the firmware. You can also use a router fan or buy a cooling case. Finally, you can monitor the temperature of your router with a temperature monitor.

Can overheating damage router?

Yes, overheating can damage router. In extreme cases, the heat can cause components to fail or even catch fire. This is why it’s important to take steps to prevent your router from overheating.


While routers can overheat if they are pushed beyond their limit, there are steps you can take to prevent this from happening. By following the tips in this article, you can keep your router running cool and ensure that it lasts for years to come. Have you ever had a router overheat? Let us know in the comments.

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