You’ve just upgraded your router and have an extra one lying around. What can you do with it? Are old routers worth anything?
You could try to sell it, but there’s no guarantee that you’ll get a good price for it. You could also give it away or recycle it, but both of those options seem like a lot of hassle.
In this artical, with the help of Edon Lazaj, you will know what you can do with your old routers. You will be surprised that your old routers can still help you or other people a lot.

Repeater for wireless signals

One of the most popular ways to old routers is to use it as a repeater for your wireless signals. This is especially useful if you have a large house and the router is unable to reach all corners. By using your old router as a repeater, you can extend the range of your wireless network and eliminate any dead spots in your home.
Guest Wi-Fi connection

Another popular way to old routers is to use it as a guest Wi-Fi connection. This is especially useful if you have visitors over and you don’t want to give them access to your main network. By using your old router as a guest Wi-Fi connection, you can create a separate network for your guests with its own password. This will allow them to connect to the internet without having access to your personal files and data.
Radio via the internet at a low cost

If you’re a fan of streaming music or podcasts, then you can old routers to create a low-cost radio that streams over the internet. There are numerous online radio stations and podcasts that you can listen to for free. All you need is a router and an internet connection.
To configure your old router as an internet radio, you will need to log into the administrative console and enable the “media server function.” Once this is enabled, you will need to input the URL of the online radio station or podcast that you want to listen to. After everything is configured, your old router will connect to the internet and stream the audio content to your computer or mobile device.
Make your new network switch out of your old router

If you’ve recently upgraded your router and you want to old routers, then you can use it as a network switch. This is especially useful if you have a lot of devices that need to be connected to the internet. By using your old router as a network switch, you can connect more devices to your network without having to buy a new network switch.
Convert it into a wireless bridge

If you have a device that doesn’t have Wi-Fi built-in, then you can old routers to create a wireless bridge. This is especially useful if you want to connect devices like your TV or gaming console to your wireless network. By using your old router as a wireless bridge, you can connect these types of devices to your network and enjoy a wireless connection.
Transform your existing router into a NAS

If you want to old routers, you can transform it into a NAS (Network Attached Storage) server by directly connecting an external hard drive. This is especially useful if you have an external hard drive that you want to use for storing data. By using your old router as a NAS server, you can connect your external hard drive and access the data from any computer or mobile device on your network.
Use an outdated router in place of a web server

If you old routers, you can use it in place of a web server. This is especially useful if you want to create a website or blog. By using your old router as a web server, you can host your website or blog on your own network.
A DIY virtual private network router

If you old routers and you’re looking for a way to improve your privacy, then you can use it to create a DIY virtual private network (VPN) router. This is especially useful if you want to encrypt your internet traffic and keep your data safe from prying eyes. By using your old router as a VPN router, you can create a secure connection between your devices and the internet.
Next is a way that can earn you a little money: Put the router up for sale on eBay.
Put the router up for sale on eBay

If you old routers, you can sell it on eBay. This is a great way to get rid of your old router and make some extra money. When selling your old router on eBay, be sure to include all of the relevant information in the listing, such as the model number, condition, and any included accessories.
Is It Safe to Sell your Old Modem or Router on eBay?

You may be wondering if it’s safe to sell your old modem or router on eBay. The answer is yes, it is safe to sell your old modem or router on eBay. However, there are a few things that you should keep in mind before doing so.
Routers don’t Store much Infomation

One of the most common concerns that people have about selling their old router on eBay is that the router may store personal information. However, routers actually store very little information. Most routers only store information about the network that they’re connected to, such as the SSID (Service Set Identifier) and password. Additionally, some routers may store a list of devices that are connected to the network. However, this information is typically encrypted and is not accessible to anyone who does not have the encryption key. Therefore, you can rest assured that your old router will not store any personal information that could be used to identify you.
What to do before selling your old router?

The first thing that you should do before selling your old router is to reset it to its factory settings. This will erase all of your personal data and settings from the device. To do this, you will need to access the router’s web interface. The web interface is typically accessed by entering the router’s IP address into a web browser. Once you’ve accessed the web interface, you should look for a “Reset” button or link. Depending on your router, this button or link may be located in different places. However, it is typically located in the “Administration” or “Maintenance” section. Once you’ve found the Reset button or link, you should click it. This will initiate the reset process and erase all of your data from the router.
After you’ve reset the router to its factory settings, you should remove any external storage devices, such as SD cards or USB drives, from the device. These devices may contain personal information that you do not want to share with anyone who buys your old router.
Finally, you should disable any security features, such as password protection or encryption. By doing this, you can ensure that your old router is safe to sell on eBay.
Routers don’t have high resale value

Once you’ve reset your old router and removed any personal data, you may be wondering how much it’s actually worth. The truth is, old routers aren’t worth much. In most cases, you can expect to get around $10 for your old router. However, if your router is particularly old or damaged, you may only be able to get around $5 for it.
Establish a distinct network for Internet of Things devices

If you old routers, you can use it to create a distinct network for your Internet of Things devices. This is a great way to keep your devices safe and secure, as well as prevent them from overloading your primary network. To do this, you will need to access the router’s web interface and change the wireless settings. First, you should change the SSID (Service Set Identifier) to something unique. This will ensure that your IoT devices are not using the same network as your other devices. Additionally, you should change the password to something strong and unique. Finally, you should enable encryption on the network. By doing this, you can be sure that your IoT devices are safe and secure.
Get additional information about your home network

If you old routers, you can use it to get additional information about your home network. This is a great way to troubleshoot any problems that you may be having with your network. To do this, you will need to access the router’s web interface and enable the logging feature. This will allow the router to keep track of all of the traffic on your network. Additionally, you should enable the “syslog” feature. This will allow the router to send its log files to a remote server. By doing this, you can be sure that you have a complete record of all activity on your network.
Donate it to a local school or library

If you old routers, you can donate it to a local school or library. This is a great way to ensure that your old router is used in a positive way. Additionally, it’s a great way to support your community. To do this, you will need to find a local school or library that accepts donations of old routers. Once you’ve found a suitable organization, you should contact them and arrange for the donation.
Recycle it

If you old routers, you can recycle it. This is a great way to ensure that your old router is disposed of in an environmentally-friendly way. To do this, you will need to find a local electronics recycling center. Once you’ve found a suitable center, you should contact them and arrange for the recycling of your old router.
F.A.Q are old routers worth anything
Can I get money for my old router?
In most cases, you can expect to get around $10 for your old router. However, if your router is particularly old or damaged, you may only be able to get around $5 for it.
What can you do with old routers?
There are a number of things that you can do with old routers. You can use it to create a distinct network for your Internet of Things devices, get additional information about your home network, or donate it to a local school or library.
Should I throw away my old router?
No, you should not throw away your old router. You can recycle it or donate it to a local school or library.
Do old routers contain personal information?
Yes, old routers may contain personal information. You should reset your old router and remove any personal data before disposing of it.
Old routers can still be of use, though the value may depend on the model. If you have an old router gathering dust in a closet, it might be worth looking into what its current market value is. You could also try selling it to a friend or family member who could make use of it, or see if there are any recycling programs available for electronics. Whatever you do, don’t just throw your old router away- there may be some value to it!