Can routers be hacked? 8 signs your routers have been hacked and tips to protect your routers

By: admin

Can routers be hacked? You may have heard about the recent security vulnerabilities in some routers. If you’re like most people, you don’t know what a router is, let alone how to protect yours.

Hackers are always looking for new ways to exploit security vulnerabilities in routers. They can use your unprotected router to gain access to your computer, steal your personal information, or even use your computer to launch attacks against other websites and networks.

Protecting your router is easy with the help of Edon Lazaj and our experts. We’ll show you how to identify if your router is vulnerable and how to fix it.

Can routers be hacked? 8 signs your routers have been hacked and tips to protect your routers
Can routers be hacked? 8 signs your routers have been hacked and tips to protect your routers

Can a Wi‑Fi router be hacked?

Can a Wi‑Fi router be hacked?
Can a Wi‑Fi router be hacked?

It’s a valid question – especially if you rely on one for your home Wi‑Fi network. Here’s what you need to know about the security of routers and how to protect yourself.

Most routers have some level of built-in security, but it’s important to understand that this doesn’t mean they can’t be hacked. Routers have become increasingly complex over the years, which has made them more difficult to secure. And as more and more devices are connected to the internet – including everything from baby monitors to thermostats – routers are becoming even more attractive targets for hackers.

8 Signs that your router has been hacked

8 Signs that your router has been hacked
8 Signs that your router has been hacked

There are a few telltale signs that your router might have been hacked:

You can’t log in to your router’s web interface

This is one of the most common signs that something is wrong. If you can’t log in, it could mean that someone has changed your password.

You see strange activity on your network

If you notice unusual activity, like devices that you don’t recognize or increased bandwidth usage, it could be a sign that someone is using your network without your permission.

Your router starts behaving differently

If your router starts behaving oddly – for example, if it starts crashing or if the web interface starts acting up – it could be a sign that it has been hacked.

You see new devices on your network

If you see devices that you don’t recognize, it’s possible that someone has connected a device to your network without your knowledge.

You get strange pop-ups or error messages

If you start seeing pop-ups or error messages that you don’t recognize, it could be a sign that your router has been infected with malware.

You can’t connect to certain websites

If you can’t connect to certain websites, it’s possible that someone has blocked them on your network.

Your internet connection is slow

If your internet connection starts acting up, it could be a sign that someone is using your bandwidth without your permission.

All internet browsers lead to the same site

If all of your internet browsers are suddenly being redirected to the same site, it’s a sign that your router has been hacked.

Why would anyone want to hack your router?

Why would anyone want to hack your router?
Why would anyone want to hack your router?

There are a few reasons why someone might want to hack your router:

To steal your personal information

If a hacker can gain access to your router, they can also gain access to any devices that are connected to it. This includes computers, laptops, smartphones, and tablets. By stealing your personal information, they can commit identity theft or fraud.

To use your internet connection

If a hacker can gain access to your router, they can also use your internet connection for their own purposes. This includes illegal activities like downloading child pornography or distributing malware.

To launch attacks on other devices

If a hacker gains control of your router, they can use it to launch attacks on other devices on the network. This could include denial-of-service attacks, which could take down a website or render a device unusable.

To create a botnet

A botnet is a network of devices that have been infected with malware and can be controlled by a hacker. By creating a botnet, hackers can launch larger and more powerful attacks.

How routers get hacked

How routers get hacked
How routers get hacked

There are a few ways that routers can get hacked:

Using default passwords

One of the most common ways that routers get hacked is by using default passwords. Many people don’t bother to change the password that comes with their router, which makes it easy for hackers to gain access.

Using exploits

Hackers can also use exploits to gain access to routers. An exploit is a piece of software that takes advantage of a security flaw in order to gain access to a device.

Brute-forcing passwords

Another way that hackers can gain access to routers is by brute-forcing passwords. This is a process of trying different passwords until they find one that works.

If Your Router is Hacked, what could happen?

If Your Router is Hacked, what could happen?
If Your Router is Hacked, what could happen?

If your router is hacked, the hacker could gain access to any devices that are connected to it. This includes computers, laptops, smartphones, and tablets. By stealing your personal information, they can commit identity theft or fraud.

The hacker could also use your internet connection for their own purposes. This includes illegal activities like downloading child pornography or distributing malware.

If a hacker gains control of your router, they can use it to launch attacks on other devices on the network. This could include denial-of-service attacks, which could take down a website or render a device unusable.

A hacker could also create a botnet by infecting devices with malware and taking control of them. By creating a botnet, hackers can launch larger and more powerful attacks.

What to do with a hacked router?

What to do with a hacked router?
What to do with a hacked router?

If you have a hacked router, the first thing you should do is change the password. This will prevent the hacker from gaining access to your devices.

You should also update the firmware on your router or gateway. This will patch any security vulnerabilities that may have been exploited by the hacker.

Finally, you should consider resetting your router or gateway to factory defaults. This will remove any malicious software that may have been installed by the hacker.

Next, we will provide you some tips so that you can protect your routers from being hacked.

Tips to prevent router hacking

Tips to prevent router hacking
Tips to prevent router hacking

There are a few things you can do to prevent your router from being hacked:

Change the default password

One of the most important things you can do is change the default password on your router. This will make it more difficult for hackers to gain access.

Update the firmware

It’s important to keep your router’s firmware up to date. This will patch any security vulnerabilities that may be exploited by hackers.

Use a VPN

Using a VPN (virtual private network) will encrypt your traffic and make it more difficult for hackers to snoop on your activity.

Disable remote access

If you don’t need remote access to your router, you should disable it. This will prevent hackers from gaining access to your router from anywhere in the world.

Install a firewall

Installing a firewall on your devices will help to protect them from attacks.

Use strong passwords

When creating passwords, you should use a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols. You should also avoid using easily guessed words like “password” or “123456”.

Tips to protect your devices from a hack

Tips to protect your devices from a hack
Tips to protect your devices from a hack

Protecting your laptops and computers

  • Download a security program, or check if yours is up-to-date.
  • Make sure your computer’s firewall is turned on.
  • Avoid clicking on links in emails or text messages from people you don’t know.
  • Don’t download email attachments from people you don’t know.
  • Keep your operating system and software up-to-date.

Protecting your smartphones and tablets

  • Install a security program on your phone or tablet.
  • Keep your operating system and apps up-to-date.
  • Use a lock screen password or PIN.
  • Don’t click on links in emails or text messages from people you don’t know.
  • Only download apps from official app stores.

F.A.Q can routers be hacked

Can you tell if your router has been hacked?

There are a few signs that your router may have been hacked:

Your internet is slow: If your internet is suddenly slower than usual, it could be because someone is using it for their own purposes.

You can’t access certain websites: If you can’t access certain websites, it could be because the hacker has blocked them.

There are strange devices connected to your network: If there are devices on your network that you don’t recognize, it could be because they’ve been added by the hacker.

How easy is it to hack a wireless router?

Hacking a wireless router is relatively easy and can be done by anyone with a basic understanding of computer networking. All a hacker needs is the right software and they can gain access to your network.

What can hackers do with your router?

Once a hacker has access to your router, they can do a number of things:

Steal your personal information: Hackers can use your router to snoop on your activity and steal your personal information.

Launch attacks: Hackers can use your router to launch attacks on other devices on your network or on the wider internet.

Block you from accessing certain websites: Hackers can block you from accessing certain websites or online services.

Can hackers infect your router?

Yes, hackers can infect your router with malware. This malware can be used to steal your personal information, launch attacks, or block you from accessing certain websites.


Although routers can be hacked, there are steps that can be taken to protect them. By using a firewall and updated software, you can make it more difficult for hackers to gain access to your network. Additionally, changing the default password on your router is another way to increase its security. If you have any questions about how to protect your router or would like more information on cyber security, please contact us. We are here to help!

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